Open Data in Transition: an interesting conference in Trento

Tomorrow I will be in Trento as a speaker (with Carlo Piana) in a very interesting conference about open data. Title is Open Data in Transition: Intellectual Property, Competition Policy, and Regulatory Issues and it has been organized by Giovanni Napolitano and Simonetta Vezzoso for WIPO and Università degli Studi di Trento.

Where: Dipartimento di Economia e Management, via Inama, 5 - Trento (Sala Conferenze)
When: december 19, 2013 - h. 9.00

From the official press release
Public bodies produce a significant amount of information and content, comprising geographical, land, economic and meteorological data created and/or collected by authorities at the different levels of government, and also data stemming from the cultural domain, such as digitized library collections. In recent years, discussions have focused on the feasibility of re-use regimes of public service information designed to maximise the benefits deriving from improved access and increased use.
The Conference, which is jointly organised by the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento, aims at discussing intellectual property, competition, and broader regulatory issues relevant to the re-use of public sector information.

The Conference Programme
(download PDF)

9:00am-9:45am - Introduction
  • Welcome Address by Daria de Pretis, Rector of the University of Trento
  • Opening of the Conference by Paolo Collini, Deputy Rector for International Affairs
  • Keynote Speech by Chris Taggart, OpenCorporates, Co-founder and CEO: Open Data for Better Regulation & Competition

Chair: Paolo Guarda, University of Trento
  • Licensing Transparency. Intellectual Property in the Hands of Governments - Mireille Van Eechord, The Institute for Information Law - IViR, University of Amsterdam
  • Open Data Licensing (With Emphasis on the Italian Public Sector): Guidelines for Choosing and Applying the Most Suitable License - Carlo Piana and Simone Aliprandi,
  • Open Research Data and IP: A Comparative View - Roberto Caso, University of Trento; Thomas Margoni, The Institute for Information Law - IViR, University of Amsterdam
11:10am-11:30am - Coffee Break

Chair: Michele Carpagnano, University of Trento
  • Public Sector Information and Competition: An International Perspective - Giovanni Napolitano, World Intellectual Property Organization
  • Interfacing Public Sector Information and Competition Policy Development in Sub-Saharian Africa - Mor Bakhoum, Max Planck Institute, Munich
  • Seizing the Open Data Opportunity in Brazil: Competition Policy Issues - Vicente Bagnoli, Mackenzie University, Sao Paolo
  • PSI: Antitrust Issues and IP Concerns - Maria Teresa Maggiolino, Bocconi University, Milan
1:30pm-2:30pm - Break

Chair: Roberta Cuel, University of Trento
  • The OpenStreetMap: Open Data Ecosystem Between Opportunities and Legal Conundrums - Maurizio Napolitano, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Open Data Institute, Trento
  • Spreading Personal Data? A Challenge for Transparency, Innovation and Technology - Eleonora Bassi, University of Trento and Nexa Center for Internet and Society (Polytechnic University of Torino)
  • In the Middle of a Tug-O-War: Competition Law, Privacy Law and Regulation Constraints of Novel Public Sector Information Markets - Francisco Marcos, IE Business School, Madrid
  • Public Sector Information: Managing the Flow Between Open and Closed
    Luigi Marengo, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa; Simonetta Vezzoso, University of Trento

Some pictures from the conference

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3
